Did You Know That Omega 3 Oils Are Essential Nutrients?

1:28 PM

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage--at least it seems that way. If you've been thinking you need to know more about it, here's your opportunity.

Researchers in Denmark in the 1970's found that the Inuit people in Greenland, showed a much lower rate of cardiovascular problems than the people of Denmark. The answers that were found in this research showed that even though the Intuit people had a high consumption of fats, they were actually fats from fish, Seals, Whales and other sea foods, in fact they were Omega 3 fatty acids.

After that discovery, many studies were set up all over the world and they have shown that the original research was correct, in that Omega 3 oils did help to prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, together with the fact that they did help tremendously in improving overall health.

The following is a few of the diseases that can be helped or prevented with Omega 3 oils. Heart Disease and Strokes, Auto immune Diseases, Breast, Colon and Prostate cancer,High Blood Pressure and Arthritis, (especially Rheumatoid).

Research in the past has also shown that a high intake of fish can help in the prevention of age related memory loss, consequently lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease, in fact it has shown that a large number of people have enjoyed an improvement in the quality of their lives, through taking Omega 3 Oils.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on Omega 3 Oils now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

It has been found that children who eat the oily types of fish on a regular basis, have a lower risk of developing Asthma, whilst children that do not have an intake of Omega 3 oils, are more likely to have behavioural problems and learning disorders. This could be a lead to problems like dyslexia, depression, eczema, violence, allergies, and arthritis.

The old story that Fish is Brain food is very true as the human brain is mainly made up of fat and that fat is the type that requires omega 3 as nutrition, it is especially needed for pregnant mothers and for the development of the baby and its brain. Fish oil has been shown to lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels, which of course is beneficial to all.

Omega 3 oils can do a lot for your skin, it will improve the texture and help prevent age wrinkling and that is by

consuming the oil, you don't have to rub it in to your skin, it really works from within your body. Omega 3 oils are very close to being a miracle as far as the human body is concerned, they are natural, and like Glyconutrients, the sugars that heal, they are essential for good health.

Everyone needs Omega 3 oils, normal adults need them to maintain health and prevent disease, older people need it even more to help their immune system fight off disease, and the important part that the oils play in helping to prevent

the age related problems and diseases that develop as you get older, it might even improve longevity, but if it doesn't, it will definitely improve the quality.

Is there really any information about Omega 3 Oils that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

Article by Alfred Jones, Information Avisor. This article may be used without permission as long as it is shown in its entirety. Plase visit my web page: http://www.rusweetenuf.com/html/meditationtechnique.html You will find that Audio CD's will do the Meditation for you. You just listen to sounds for 24 minutes a day. Very Affordable.

Organic Skin Care ? Because Your Skin Is Precious

8:01 PM

Each one of us desires to look beautiful. Looking good is no more confined to woman, in today?s world both man and woman has become cautious about their beauty. The word beauty is denoted by how healthy your skin is. Organic skin care is the best way to take good care of your skin.

Your skin is something that will be with you for the rest of your life. It serves you and your body in a number of ways. It aids in sensory perception, protects you from injuries, works as a barrier against dehydration, assists in temperature maintenance, removes toxic wastes, aids in the manufacture of vitamin D, and serve as a structure to the organs and tissues within your body. In simple words, your skin is a vital part of your life. It's very essential that you care for it and maintain it in a healthy state so that it will continue to function well for you in future too.

Organic skin care involves using organic products. The word organic is used to describe food that is grown without synthetic pesticides, insecticides or any other artificial chemical. Thus, using organic skin care products can help you take best care of your skin and that to without harming your skin. In simple words, organic helps you gain fresh and glowing skin the natural way.

Different people have different skin texture some of you may have dry skin, normal skins or oily skin but, you need not to worry. Organic skin care products are available in the market to meet the diverse needs of people. Organic cleanser, toner as well as moisturizers are available in wide range in the cosmetic market.

Chemicals used in traditional skin care products affected people?s skin adversely. Organic skin care products have become the latest wrath for people who are interested in avoiding the harmful affects of traditional products. Don?t get confused with the enormous number of organic care products you get to see. You can easily assess the safety of any ingredient listed on your skin care product with the help of your local library or the internet.

No need to stop yourself from looking beautiful and possessing a healthier skin. Organic skin care can help you accomplish this goal easily without harming your skin. Make sure to read the ingredients of the organic skin care product you choose to use, search for organic skin care with certified organic ingredients.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils,Organic Skin care,Aromatherapy Massage Oil visit http://www.ndaroma.com

Clove Oil: A Powerful Essential Oil

7:55 PM

My first remarkable experience with Clove Essential Oil was last year when I developed a rather nasty sore throat from a bug I picked up on a plane on my way to a conference presentation. My throat became so parched and sore that simply swallowing was painful. Luckily, as I always do, I had my repertoire of essential oils with me. I often carry Peppermint, Clove, Lemon, Lavender, Frankincense and a number of very powerful Oil Blends. Their uses and their aromas are extraordinary.

In this particular case realized that I simply could not endure a 3 hour presentation with the painful throat I was experiencing. So I reached for one of my oils called Thieves which is a combination of Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary and other oils and I used one drop of this powerful blend. I simply swallowed the oil and about an hour later my throat was completely better. I continued to use the oil blend a few more times that day ever few hours and by the next day my sore throat had completely disappeared.

Now as a physician who in my early days as a GP used to prescribe antibiotics for my patients this was truly a remarkable experience to have. As many of you already know antibiotics are fraught with problems, the most significant of which is the development of resistant strains of bacteria that can literally be life threatening. Many of these super bacteria are now found in many hospital settings where antibiotics have been and continue to be extensively used.

What's interesting is that many of these strains are likely susceptible to the very oils I used for my sore throat. Unfortunately modern medicine has yet to awaken to the power of essential oils.

As a skeptical physician I too for many years doled out what later I learned was not only ineffective but in the long term dangerous forms of treatments.

I am glad to have been open enough to awaken to the power of therapeutic grade essential oils that are currently available.

Nick Arrizza M.D. is trained in medicine and psychiatry. He is an international speaker, healer and coach. He is also the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) Young Living Web Site: http://www.youngliving.org/arrizza Business Web Site: http://www.telecoaching4u.com/IntroConsult.htm

Columbus Discovered Bergamot Oil

2:47 PM

And we thought Christopher Columbus is only famous for discovering America. He also needs a little applause for this one. For it was he, who took the bergamot tree from his home in the Canary Islands, and transported it to Italy. Because of this, bergamot has been cultivated in Italy ever since.

Bergamot oil is made from the inedible, bitter green, pear shaped citrus fruit of the bergamot tree. The peel of the fruit is cold pressed, which releases the pale emerald green oil. The oil has a light, delicate, citrusy and floral scent and has many uses.

The therapeutic properties of bergamot pure essential oil are euphoric, antiseptic, cooling, and a tonic to the digestive system. The main constituents in bergamot essential oil are limonene, linalyl acetate, nerol, and linalool. All of these substances are antiseptic and astringent. This allows bergamot essential oil to help with many conditions.

One of the conditions bergamot pure essential oil helps with is acne and eczema. You can use the oil in a facial steam bath, which will help cleanse and heal the face. It is fairly easy to make a steam bath. Just apply a few drops of bergamot oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Drape a towel over your head and shoulders, and lean over the bowl. Breathe deeply for 10-15 minutes with eyes closed. CAUTION: Do not use steam bath if you have broken facial capillaries.

Another condition bergamot is known to assist with is cystitis and pruritis. Cystitis is one of the most common urinary track infections and is most commonly caused by the E. Coli bacteria becoming embedded in the bladder lining, thereby causing irritation. Pruritus is a manifestation of dermatologic diseases. To help cope with either of these, add 4-5 drops of bergamot oil to a warm bath. Bathe with the oil once a day until the condition disappears.

Now, bergamot essential oil can also be used for emotional stress: There are 2 basic blends for tension and stress: bergamot and orange pure essential oil, and bergamot and clary-sage pure essential oil. To prepare either one, mix 3 drops of each oil in bathwater when bath is full.

You can also throw away your headache medicine. Bergamot pure essential oil has been noted for headache relief. All you need to do is mix bergamot oil with a carrier oil, such as safflower oil, and rub into your temples and the back of your neck. A few drops will be enough to get rid of the headache, especially if it is tension related.

This is one I have read about but I am not sure if it works. Bergamot oil has also been used as a mosquito repellent. It is said to put the oil on a rag, cloth, or cotton ball and put it in your pocket, and it will naturally keep the mosquitoes at bay.

Safety Conditions

Bergamot is from the citrus family. It contains furo-coumarin, which makes it photosensitive. If you decide to use this on your skin, make sure not to go out in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours (some say 3 hours is long enough, but I recommend 6 hours). This will prevent the brownish spots from appearing on your skin. Also, if using for massage oil, ensure it is diluted with no more than twenty drops of bergamot oil to 4 oz of carrier oil, such as safflower oil.

As you can see, bergamot pure essential oil is excellent antiseptic oil. It has been used for many conditions, from acne to headaches to cystitis. And thanks to Christopher Columbus, as he has allowed the rest of us to find out and use this excellent essential oil to make our lives more natural and healthy.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Aromatherapy

Say NO to Ritalin! The Indigo/ADD/ADHD Child's Diet

1:10 PM

It?s the dreaded Child Split Personality Syndrome ? you?ve witnessed it but are you aware that you could possibly be the culprit of it all?! Unknowingly of course.

Let me set the scene.

Breakfast which consisted of bagels, with butter and jam, a bowl of sugary filled cereal and a glass of artificial fruit punch to wash it down, was finished only moments before. Your innocent, sweet, calm, cool and collected children have relocated to the wreck room and are sitting on the couch watching their favorite television show, giggling and playing cheerfully together. As you stand there observing your delightful bundles of joy you can not deny the feelings of love that wash over you. You are so delighted that you created these little holy terrors, I mean precious beings! It?s so sweet that it?s a Kodak moment!

BUT you better have your joggers on to run for the camera quick because in a matter of seconds your beautiful, precious children will have been transformed into she and he devils! What was once a beautiful Kodak moment has now been transformed into a hellish nightmare of yelling and screaming, kids jumping from couch to couch, your ears are shocked with high-pitched screams of pain as your eyes witness a flying chunk of hair! Then a crash, with a smirk and no feeling ?Sorry mom, broke your favorite lamp!? As this adorable child superflies through the air once again!

And just think, a few moments ago you were thinking how cute they were and how you should probably give them another sibling?! But because of what you are witnessing the impulsive thought has vanished! Now you hear yourself screaming, ?I brought you into this world, I can take you out!?

Ok so maybe you didn?t say it, but we all know you were certainly thinking it! ? end of scene.

So what causes the fluctuation in our children?s behaviour?

Today, we will look at their diet. This article will focus on some dietary interventions for Indigos/ADD/ADHD children. These children are very sensitive people, they are sensitive to their environments, what clothes they can wear and the food they eat. In order for children (and adults) to focus, they need to have nutritious food that enhances their energy and concentration. Most children start their day by eating simple carbohydrates such as waffles, muffins, donuts, pop-tarts, bagels, cinnamon rolls and sugary cereals. (By the way, these products usually contain MSG. A little addictive additive that no one should consume! But that?s another article.)

It?s no wonder the majority of kids are behaving crazy and can?t concentrate in the classroom! They are bouncing from one end of the spectrum, high blood sugar levels, to the complete opposite of the spectrum, below normal blood sugar levels. This can be seen in their behavior. Simple sugars or simple carbohydrates stimulate the pancreas to secrete higher levels of insulin into the blood stream, causing the rapid absorption of sugar into the cells. This is the effect we refer to as a ?sugar high.? The consumption of simple sugars can contribute to their behavioral ups and downs including anger, distractibility, aggression, impulsivity, hyperactive etc. to the opposite end of feeling spacey, tired, confused and inattentive. Hmm? I wonder if a change in diet is better than drugging our children with Ritalin? I?m here to say YES, it is!

Dr. Allen Buresz - In 1996 the World Health Organization warned that Ritalin over-use has reached dangerous proportions. Hopefully, by being armed with correct information, you may be able to avoid using Ritalin or other similar medications. Use of these drugs on a long-term basis is questionable. Safety of such long-term use is simply unknown, but many dangerous side effects have been increasing. Ritalin, for instance, may provoke seizures and suppress growth, or it may cause angina, blood pressure changes, depression or any of a very long list of serious side effects.

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD - No one has ever been able to demonstrate that drugs such as Cylert and Ritalin improve the academic performance of the children who take them.... The pupil is drugged to make life easier for his teacher (and some parents) not to make it better and more productive for the child.

I believe that food can be used as medicine and that our diet does matter very much! It does the body and mind good to avoid eating simple carbohydrates - anything made from refined or white flour such as pasta, bagels, white bread and cereals. Stop eating chemically harmful processed foods and pre-packaged foods. Do you know what is in them? It is imperative to start reading the labels of the foods you are feeding your children and yourself. I know, now you are thinking, great so what do we eat? Well we go back to eating the way we did before we went grocery shopping ? organic and natural! There is likely an organic store right in your area. Bigger grocery chains usually have a ?small? section of organic products. You can also grow your own fruits and vegetables! Start your own garden outside or buy pots and put them in your window sills.

It is also important to take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement but beware of the dyes! Omega-3 oils, specifically fish oil, is probably the single most important nutrient for an Indigo/ADD/ADHD child to take. Dr. Stoll?s book The Omega-3 Connection is a highly recommended read! A Purdue University study showed that kids low in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are significantly more likely to be hyperactive, have learning disorders, and to display behavioral problems. Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to dyslexia, violence, depression, memory problems, weight gain, cancer, heart disease, eczema, allergies, inflammatory diseases, arthritis, diabetes and many other conditions.

Here are some food choices to implement in your home. This change being made inside your family unit is a lifestyle change. You need to do your part, if you child can?t eat something than your entire family should make the decision that neither can they. This will support your child in a very loving manner instead of making him/her feel like they are being punished. If your child feels that food is being withheld from them because they see you eating it, they will sneak the foods behind your back. How can you possibly tell a child that something is not good for them and you eat it?! You MUST lead by example especially with these kids!

The first most important substance that is required for the human body is water. Pure natural water and lots of it! Nutritionists recommend a minimum of 8 eight ounce glasses a day, more if you are active. That does not mean that you can consume eight mugs of coffee (for adults) or eight glasses of artificial juice and say well it?s made with water so I got my intake. Wrong! Pure water. Simple. There?s no way to get around it! It is best to avoid substances that dehydrate the body, like caffeine and alcohol. If you do consume dehydrating products than you need to consume even more water to flush out the toxins!

The diet will consist of protein, complex carbohydrates and fats. It is important to eat approximately every 2 to 3 hours, up until 3 hours before bed. This works out to eating approximately 6 times a day. Yes I know this sounds like a lot but really it isn?t because of the small portion sizes. When meals are eaten in this manner it actually boosts the metabolism so you will burn more fat! Your body stays fueled with the proper nutrients and never has the chance to go into starvation mode where it actually stores fat and begins to cannibalize itself eating the muscles for energy!

It is also important for your child to get daily exercise. This is becoming increasingly rare with all the new technological advances being made. Children learn by example. If you don?t exercise, in most cases neither will they. Start going for bike rides with them, or walks, swimming, skating etc. Make it fun! Life has become too serious. It?s time to slow down and enjoy your children. They are only with you for a short time. Enjoy it while you can, you only have a few years to make a great impression as a parent. Always remember that what you teach your children, your children will teach their children!

Every meal will consist of a protein, a complex carbohydrate and a vegetable. Eating in this manner requires discipline and planning ahead. Pre-cooking and pre-packaging for a few days really helps cut time down in the kitchen. The serving size of each will be the size of your palm. Example: You selected a piece of chicken for one meal, if you were to place the piece of chicken into your hand, it will not be any bigger than the size of your palm. The following lists are small helpful tools to get you started. They are by no means the only things you can eat!

Healthiest Quality of Proteins: The first two listed are the best choices (in my opinion) the following if you must consume animal product. If your child refuses to eat, please don?t force them! There are many other foods available that can provide the daily required protein intake.

?Protein Powder
?Soy-Based Products
?Egg Whites or Substitutes
?Low-fat cottage cheese
?Orange Roughy
?Lean Ground Beef

Healthiest Quality of Carbohydrates: ORGANIC products are the absolute best and should really be considered! Please don?t load them with saturated fats!

?Baked potato
?Sweet potato
?Steamed Brown Rice
?Steamed Wild Rice
?Whole-Wheat Bread
?Whole Grains

Healthiest Quality of Vegetables: ORGANIC products are the absolute best and should really be considered! Please don?t load them with saturated fats!

?Green Beans
?Green Peppers
?Brussels Sprouts

Healthiest Quality of Fats:

Despite popular beliefs, not all fats are bad. Saturated fats are bad while unsaturated fats, in moderate amounts, can actually be good for you. For example, one of the reasons fish is such a healthy food is because it contains essential fatty acids.

?Safflower oil
?Sesame oil

You are your child?s earth guardian, change their diet and watch them blossom in every area of their life instead of poisoning them with drugs. It is time to take control of our lives and go back to the basics. Eat as natural as possible. You can find all sorts of great books our there with very healthy recipes. Do some research, your kids are worth it!

IMPORTANT: Use this information at your own risk. This information is not to be used in place of appropriate medical advice. If there are problems, always consult your physician.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me lisa@infinitylighthealing.com For more articles and healing tools, please visit my website. As always, keep smiling and play in love!

? Copyright 2004-2006 http://www.InfinityLightHealing.com Lisa Whatley, an Indigo/Crystal Adult, Master Energy Facilitator, Writer, Mother of four Indigo/Crystal children and Spiritual Ascension Life Coach interweaves body, mind and spirit into her work. Lisa?s spiritual path and connection with God has lead her to a place of knowing that all things are possible! She has helped many people change their lives using the same self-empowerment teachings that helped to transform her own life, helping them find peace, joy and stability. She currently offers energetic sessions for Clearing, Healing, Balancing, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment and Life Coaching. She resides in the beautiful countryside of Northern Ontario Canada.

Beautiful Skin Naturally: Making Your Own Aromatherapy Skin Care Blends

12:19 PM

Looking for that perfect skin product? One that will keep your skin looking great, smells great, is appealing to apply, has actual 'therapeutic' effects, and doesn't break the bank? Look no further than aromatherapy. Creating a wonderful blend just for your skin type with the magic of potent natural botanicals is fun and rewarding in more ways than one. Essential oils are widely used in natural medicine, and some are well-known for their skin rejuvenating effects.

While some of the most highly regarded therapeutic grade oils may seem expensive at first, they are effective in such small concentrations as to really make them worthwhile. And their efficacy is well-known; that's why so many laboratory-made preparations use components of essential oils in their formulas. With a one or two ounce bottle to mix in, and an eye dropper, you can easily mix your own blend with the aroma and actions you desire most.

There are a few essential oils and carriers that are highly regarded in natural beauty and skin care. With these, and perhaps one or two extra ingredients, you can make effective (and very pleasant smelling) recipes for a wide variety of skin conditions.

The short list of essential oils for skin care ? Helichrysum (also known as Everlasting) is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory oils known in aromatherapy. It is also very high in regenerative ketones; compounds which stimulate the regeneration of skin cells. Rosemary Verbenone serves a similar function, being thought to enhance metabolic functioning in the dermis layer, increasing circulation and the elimination of waste products. Lavender has properties similar to Helichrysum, with a wonderful, relaxing aroma; it can bring synergy to a combination of oils and is thought to keep the skin in a balanced, healthy condition. Carrot Seed essential oil is also regenerating, bringing life to tired, pallid skin. Palmarosa essential oil can be included for it's pleasing aroma and anti-septic effects; Niaouli is also recommended for the same reasons, along with it's skin-firming properties.

This is only a few of the many essential oils included in skin formulas, though these are considered among the most important for their broad range of effects. Almost any essential oil can be added to a blend in balanced quantities. In many cases, oils are added as much for their lovely aroma as their direct therapeutic benefits to skin tissue. Many aromatherapists, and natural health professionals for that matter, consider the overall mental and emotional condition to be of primary importance in creating an appearance of fitness and beauty. Many citrus and floral oils are used for this reason ? Neroli, distilled from the flowers of the bitter orange tree, is an often used example. Others are Jasmine, Sandalwood (very popular in Men's skin care), Geranium and Ylang Ylang.

Essential oils, be they for direct effects on skin metabolism, or for the overall state of wellness of the user, will be diluted in a carrier oil, sometimes known as a base oil. It is important to note that diluting the oils will often actually enhance their effects; essential oils are often too strong to be used directly, and many studies have shown increased efficacy in dilutions down to 1% or less of the total formula. The carrier oils serve several other functions as well; they carry the essential oils into the skin, increasing their total absorption. They also nourish the middle and lower layers of the skin with essential fatty acids or EFA's ? compounds now considered critical to the health of all living tissues. Further, some carrier oils have vitamin analogs which assist in skin regeneration and repair.

A few of the most important carrier oils include the following: Rosehip Seed Oil is highly regarded for it's regenerating effects for skin which has been over-exposed to the sun or has other damage. It includes a variety of Vitamin A which acts to increase cellular turnover, similar to Retin-A without the over-drying side effects. Numerous scientific studies have validated this oil's positive effects on damaged or prematurely aged skin. Next is Evening Primrose Oil, which has a significant quantities of gamma-linolenic acid, an important essential fatty acid. Evening Primrose oil has been used to support skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and may help premature skin aging. Finally, Hazelnut oil is possibly the most commonly used base oil for skin care; it is gentle, has little aroma, and is suitable for all skin types. Often, small amounts of Rosehip seed and/or Evening Primrose oil will be included in a blend, with Hazelnut oil comprising the majority of the carrier mixture.

Here are several blends categorized by skin type to get you started. For normal skin, used at any time: In each ounce of Hazelnut Oil, add 15 drops Thyme Linalool, 15 drops Rosemary Verbenone, 15 drops Neroli, and 15 drops Spike Lavender; this blend can work well for acne with it's antiseptic properties, but is an excellent tonic for all skin types.

If your skin has been chemically damaged, is overly-sensitive, or otherwise 'weakened' with broken capillaries, try this mixture, applying frequently: For each ounce of base oil, use three parts Hazelnut, one part Rosehip Seed, and one part Evening Primrose. Add the following essential oils: fifteen drops Moroccan Chamomile, fifteen drops Helichrysum, fifteen drops true Lavender, and fifteen drops Roman Chamomile. The Helichrysum, Lavender and Rosehip seed will enhance the skin's own natural metabolism, and the addition of the Chamomiles will greatly reduce inflammation that is found with almost all damage and/or aging.

If your skin is prone to acne, or has over-active sebaceous glands, the following blend can be of great assistance. It contains regenerative, antiseptic, and cleansing oils. Simply use Hazelnut as the base, and to each ounce include fifteen drops of Green Myrtle or Inula graveolens, fifteen drops Eucalyptus dives (because of the ketones in this oil, it should not be used if pregnant ? or under 10 years of age ? but is otherwise considered safe), fifteen drops Spike Lavender, and fifteen drops Rosemary verbenone.

If your skin has no particular 'condition', but appears tired, lifeless, pallid, or 'worn out', try mixing one-fifth ounce of Rosehip Seed and four-fifths ounce Hazelnut oil. Then add 15 drops each of Carrot Seed essential oil (also known as Queen Anne's Lace or Wild Carrot), Lemon verbena (which helps the skin detoxify), Niaouli (gently tightening the skin), and Rosemary verbenone ? this creates an excellent restorative blend. For aging skin needing firming that can be used around the eyes ? try this more gentle variety: Mix in five ounces of Hazelnut oil and one ounce of Rosehip seed oil, add fifteen drops of each of Myrtle essential oil (green), Cistus or Rock Rose and Rosemary.

So there are a few tried-and-true aromatherapy skin care blends to use in your natural beauty regime. You can easily mix and match the oils described to create your own blend, and add any oils you really like the aroma of (be aware that a FEW essential oils are VERY strong, and should not be used on the skin ? the more common of these include Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, and Red Thyme ? consult with a knowledgeable practitioner if you are unsure about the safety of any oil). A word about purchasing oils for your blends ? do NOT use anything labeled as a 'fragrance oil' ? these are synthetic reproductions of essential oils that will likely cause an allergic reaction.

DO seek out a reputable source. And oils, like wine, do vary greatly from maker to maker. A higher price can mean a significantly nicer oil (though not always) ? one that is sweeter, or more well-rounded ? only a few oils should smell 'medicinal' ? Spike Lavender is a little 'camphorus' in general ? but a good Rosemary verbenone should have a very appealing scent . Despite the initial outlay, you are more likely to continue to use a blend that you really like the aroma of, and that has therapeutic effects. Though once you find the oils you adore, you're more than likely to continue the practice of making your own blends for some time to come.

This article has been written by Misty Cech, ND, a degreed naturopath with a professional practice developing natural wellness for individuals around the country. She strongly supports the use of natural botanicals whenever possible when making health and beauty choices. She is the owner of the Ananada Apothecary - providing vibrational medicine infomation and supplies such as organic essential oils and Bach flower essences and remedies.

Lime Pure Essential Oil

10:26 AM

The lime tree is native to India. The Moors first introduced it to Europe. Then, in the sixteenth century, the Spanish explorers travelled across the Atlantic Ocean, bringing the lime tree to North America. The main reason the lime was brought on the boats was to help prevent scurvy, which we all know is a disease brought on by a serious deficiency in vitamin C.

The lime tree is a member of the Rutaceae family. The essential oil from the lime has a sweet, tangy scent. It is also used now medicinally to help enhance the nervous system. The oil also has antiseptic properties.

The therapeutic properties of lime pure essential oil are refreshing and uplifting. The main constituents in lime essential oil are limonene, bergapten, citral, camphene, and linalool. All of these substances are antiseptic and astringent. This allows lime essential oil to help with many conditions.

One of the external uses of lime pure essential oil is to help clear up pimples. All you need to do is take a cotton ball or cotton tip, and apply a mixture of one drop of lime essential oil and two tablespoons of witch hazel to the affected area. This mixture helps to preserve the protective layer of oil on the skin and will also help minimize scarring.

Another condition lime oil is know to assist with is opening up your bronchial tubes and helping with your breathing. Since lime essential oils is disinfecting and cleansing, it is an excellent addition to your bath, shower, or sauna. Just mix two drops each of lime oil, pine oil, and rosemary oil. Then add these to the water. It is this mixture of oils, which will help make the bronchial tubes stronger and fortified, opening them up and making it easier to breath. You can also use this same blend in a diffuser.

Lime pure essential oil is an excellent method of self-care and well-being. Aromatherapy is more than just breathing in scents. It is about achieving the perfect balance and harmony in ones life and it is the combination of certain scents, or oils, which help achieve this. Blend 2 ounces of safflower oil, 5 drops of lime pure essential oil, and 3 drops of orange pure essential oil, and then use this as a massage applied daily. This blend of oils will help improve the circulation and also help to keep your skin moisturized in the process. Lime oil can also be used to help relieve and cure a sore throat. Mix 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar, and 1 drop of lime oil in a glass of warm water and gargle with this mixture twice daily. Most essential oils are not meant to be taken internally, but there are a few of them where it is feasible. Lime oil is one of them. Really, lime oil is even added to soft drinks.

Safety Conditions

Lime is from the citrus family. It contains furo-coumarin, which makes it photosensitive. If you decide to use this on your skin, make sure not to go out in direct sunlight for at least 6 hours (some say 3 hours is long enough, but I recommend 6 hours). This will prevent the brownish spots from appearing on your skin.

As you can see, lime pure essential oil is an excellent antiseptic oil. It has been used for many conditions, from breathing, to acne, and just for self-care and well-being. With its pleasantly citrus scent, it is a must for everyday well-being.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Aromatherapy

Use Essential Fatty Acid To Help You Prevent or Eliminate Your Acne

4:43 PM

To eliminate or clear your face of acne it will require you take a variety of health steps. The use of essential fatty acids is but one step. I have identified 10 different steps but will only discuss one step in this article ? using essential fatty acids.

Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is of prime importance in clearing acne. It?s these fatty acids that help to control the production of excess androgens ? the hormones that surge during the teen-age times It is androgens, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne.

The three fatty acids you need to get daily are:




When you are deficient in these essential fatty acids, you will have,

?A weaken immune system

?Inflammatory disorders

?Poor skin

?Skin eruptions and other wounds that won?t heal

?Sebum production increases (this is what happens

when you have acne)

?Sebaceous glands size increases

Eating essential oils are necessary to provide you the right oils that are used in the sebaceous glands. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.

Here?s what you need to do. Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid or omega-9. This oil is found in avocados and somewhat in olive oil.

Most diets people have contain an excess of omega-6 oil (olive oil), so mostly likely you need to concentrate on getting more omega-3 oil (flax seed oil) into your diet.

You can get omega-3 oil from,


?sesame seeds

?pumpkin seeds


?dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)

?wheat germ oil



?albacore tuna

Or, you can take one to two tablespoon of flax seed oil, omega-3 oil, each day. This will give you the amount of omega-3 oil that your body needs. You can add this oil to your morning cereal, soups, smoothies, salads and other liquid foods.

You can get omega-6 oil from,

?olive oil

?flaxseed oil


?grape seed oil

?pistachio nuts


?sunflower seeds


?evening primrose oil

?pumpkin seeds

?pine nuts

Taking 2-3 tablespoons of omega-6 oil a day will give you the amount of this oil that you body needs.

So, to control those androgens and help your body reduce the production of acne or pimples start using more essential fatty acids.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. His information can be seen at http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info

Essential Oils How To Use Aromatherapy Medicine

10:15 PM

First, please remember that essential oils should never be applied neat (undiluted) to your skin. There are absolutely NO exceptions to this! This includes the soles of your feet or palms of your hands. When using oils neat for inhalation purposes please exercise care and dispense your oils on a tissue or cotton ball for direct inhalation.

In Webster's Dictionary Medicine is defined as anything that affects our well-being. Aromatic oils have an ancient history of doing just that. In this article I will talk about two methods known and practiced historically for their outstanding medicinal benefits. These two well-known methods are steam and the cooling vapors of a humidifier.

Here are a few ways to easily and simply apply these two methods for beneficial results:

STEAM INHALATION ~ Add 4-8 drops of essential oil to a large bowl of steaming hot water, put a towel over your head to capture the steam. Close your eyes and inhale until the water cools or until you stop smelling the oil. Repeat, if necessary, every 4-5 hours.

Steam inhalation relieves sinus congestion, coughs, colds, flu and sore throats.

Suggested oils to use: eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and tea tree.

HUMIDIFIER (COOL MIST) ~ Add 6-8 drops of essential oil to the water of your humidifier. Run overnight, or add the essential oils 2-3 times during the day, if running continuously. This is an effective method of using oils with a sick child.

Humidifier (cool mist) relieves fever and headache, calms and soothes anxiety when ill, kills germs, air freshener.

Suggested oils to use: lavender, lemon and peppermint

WARNING Essential Oils can damage humidifier plastic and rubber parts.

Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG has utilized essential oils in her energy medicine practice for more than 30 years. During that time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, illness and injury. Through her unique AromaTest? system KG formulates essential oil blends that heal.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap chemical copies of essential oils available, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results always use ethically wild crafted or pure, organic essential oils that are pesticide free! Pure essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic uses and benefits. The method applied can affect the results.

KG Stiles is a certified Aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's book, Aromatic Medicine - Pathway to Health, and her DVD about her AromaTest System of Healing, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. Click to learn about Essential Oils Basic Kit (4 oils) Click to learn about KG's other PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy Products PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy Products Menu Click to learn about Essential Oils Complete Kit (9 oils) Contact KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

Natural Health Supplement

2:14 PM

Although ideally we should be able to get all of our essential nutrients from a balanced diet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this in reality. Busy lifestyles, overly processed foods, and other factors all contribute to the need for a natural health supplement in order to keep yourself in top health.

Even a diet full of fruits and vegetables will not necessarily deliver optimal levels of essential nutrients, as some of the most vital nutrients are destroyed by the cooking process. The foods we eat are also becoming less nutritious due to the use of artificial fertilizers and other changes in the way food is grown, shipped great distances, and stored.

More Essential Nutrients Needed

To combat these nutritional deficiencies, we can eat more organic produce, take natural health supplements, and look for other natural sources that have retained their healthy food value and essential nutrients. One such discovery is a fruit called the Mangosteen from Southeast Asia. Rich in antioxidants, the juice from this fruit can be taken as a natural health supplement to replenish some of the vital nutrients our bodies need to stay in optimal health.

Antioxidants promote natural growth and regeneration at the cellular level, and fight the damage that can lead to serious illnesses including cancer. In this way, our bodies are better able to heal themselves, and prevent problems from developing in the future.

Mangosteen Juice, The Hottest New Vital Nutrient

Mangosteen is just one example of an anti-aging natural health supplement that can be researched and purchased online. With all the natural health supplements available now, it is worth doing some investigating to discover the latest research findings, find out what health supplements are recommended for your specific ailments, as well as improve your understanding of how holistic medicine works and what it can do for you.

Your health is the product of your lifestyle, including your diet, exercise routine, adequate rest, and includes your mental state as well. As you learn more about natural medicine and natural health supplements, you will also likely discover ways to improve your ability to relax and take better care of yourself in more ways than one.

Do some reading and explore your options for better health using natural health supplements, vital nutrients and healing methods that have been derived from centuries of use in a variety of cultures. Decreasing your dependence on medications for pain, sleep problems, depression, stomach ailments, and more, are just some of the potential rewards for pursuing more natural approaches to health and wellness.

Make your health a priority now, and improve your chances of avoiding more costly and complicated problems down the road. Look for ways to include essential nutrients in your diet. The steps you can take are well worth the investment, and will help you create and maintain a better quality of life for years to come.

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What is Aromatherapy?

7:06 PM

Aromatherapy is treatment using certain essential plant oils. With there being nearly 150 essential oils, each of these oils are used for different holistic treatment for our body. These oils can be breathed in thru our noses or mouths, massaged in our skin or even bathed in.

What these essential oils do is aid in relieving pain, tension and fatigue, caring for our skin, relief of postpartum discomforts, colds and just invigorating our entire body.

I have compiled a list of several different emotional or everyday disorders and which essential oils are best recommended for treatment.

Bergamot, Jasmine, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli, Petit grain, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang

Bergamot, Cedar wood, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver

Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Cypress, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Orange, Rosemary

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Orange, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Fatigue, Exhaustion and Burnout
Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver

Bergamot, Cedar wood, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon, Neroli, Orange, Roman Chamomile Sandalwood, Vetiver

Cypress, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver

Happiness and Peace
Bergamot, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Bergamot, Cedar wood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Vetiver

Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, Rose

Memory and Concentration
Basil, Black Pepper, Cypress, Hyssop, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary

Panic and Panic Attacks
Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender, Neroli, Rose

Benzoin (Benzoic?), Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Mandarin, Neroli, Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang

Written and compiled by Angel Lopez, with extensive Aromatherapy research compiled from the following: AromaWeb; Aromatherapy Book by Jeanne Rose.

Residing in the beautiful Menifee Valley, California And mother to two beautiful teenagers. She has Been selling home interiors and decorating for Several years before opening her business, The Aroma Shoppe, A fun and lively shop full of high quality aromatic and decorative products for the home and office. http://www.thearomashoppe.net aromangel66@yahoo.com

Pamper Your Hair With Essential Oils

12:47 PM

We spike, color, tease and curl it. We heat, gel, straighten and spray it. We worry and vex over it, spend tons of money on it and cry when we lose it. It?s a vital sign of our health, youth and beauty and we want it to look great. I imagine that some of you still believe that if you smother your hair with oil, it will give you the shiny, soft hair that we all desire. Most oil (not all), if they are not essential oils, do not have the capacity to penetrate into the hair shaft. What they will accomplish, however, is to lie on top of the cuticle and smother it. It may give you some short-term luster, but it will also coat the hair and cause product build up. When this happens, the problems begin.

Initially, the moisture that our hair so badly requires will not be able to filter through the wall of product build up. The moisture is consequently not able to unearth the cuticle layer. What is the end result?the hair cannot be conditioned!

In 1998, a study was done by a doctor named Isabelle C. Hay on patients with alopecia areata (sudden hair loss). She used the essential oils of thyme, lavender, rosemary and cedarwood in a carrier oil of jojoba and grapeseed. The 84 volunteers were given a two-minute scalp massage daily with the oils for a period of 7 months. The control group was simply massaged with the carrier oils alone. At the end of the trial, 19 people in the essential oil group had re-grown hair, as opposed to six in the control group.

Oil treatments, that have the appropriate ingredients, and used at least once a week, will enhance the condition of your hair and scalp. The key is to locate products that contain ingredients such as: Jojoba oil, neem oil, avocado oil, cold pressed oil, and evening primrose oil. In addition, essential oils are a must, such as: lavender, rosemary, St. John?s Wort, myrrh, frankincense, cedar-wood, juniper and thyme. These are all naturally wonder oils for the hair and can reward you with a silky lustrous shine.

Judy Phillips is the founder of Jash Botanicals Herbal Formulas, a manufacturer of physicians grade herbal extracts and medicinals. A naturopath and herbalist with over 25 years of experience, her passion for producing herbal formulas of exceptional purity and strength grew from a dissatisfaction with mainstream herbal products. She is an author of various natural health topics, from detoxification to dietary modification, and works to assist the expansion of knowledge to individuals in search of natural treatments. JashBotanicals.com offers a wide range of informative articles, including a monthly newsletter and a natural health blog.

Sandalwood Oil Aromatherapy For The Mind Body And Spirit

8:56 PM

Sandalwood is one of the world's most widely used essential oils, prized for its scent in perfumery, for its therapeutic effects in Chinese, Ayurvedic and Tibetan medicine systems, and for its ability to center the mind in meditative yogic traditions.

Sandalwood essential oil is most often extracted via steam distillation from the wood of the Sandalwood tree, with the heartwood of the roots producing the highest quality oil. Sandalwood is an evergreen, growing to a height of 9 meters, with leathery leaves and small purple flowers. Native to southern tropical Asia, the tree is parasitic, gaining its nutrients from one of several other tree species. Because it can only be grown this way, and due to its seemingly strict set of environmental conditions, Sandalwood is difficult to propagate. To add to the challenge of successful cultivation, Sandalwood takes nearly 30 years to mature before yielding oil of any worth.

Sandalwood essential oil has a woody, balsamic, sweet and slightly musky aroma; it is a pale yellow, greenish or brownish liquid with excellent tenacity (the aroma tends to last a long time) and superior fixative properties. There are several varieties available, with Santalum album is considered the most important therapeutically. The Mysore region of eastern India is thought to produce the highest quality of this oil type, though its harvesting is creating a strain on the area's natural environment. Recently, an oil of the austrocaledonia species has been produced on the South Pacific island of Vanuatu from successfully cultivated Sandalwood trees. This oil has a fantastic aroma, with a woody, smoky scent that can remind one of being at the beach - an excellent base note in perfume and cosmetic blends.

In the West, Sandalwood oil is perhaps best known in the west as a natural, woody, sweet body perfume used 'as is', or as a familiar aroma in many cosmetics, aftershaves and the like. In the east, however, Sandalwood?s importance in cultural and spiritual traditions cannot be overstated. The wood is carved into furniture, religious icons, used to build temples and burned as incense in a great variety of ceremonies. The oil is used to anoint the dead, helping their transition to the next life. In Burma, women sprinkle it on passersby on the last day of the year for the release of sins. In Hindu marriages, Sandalwood is burned in a tent such that the smoke surrounds the bridal couple. For the meditative yogi, the oil and incense encourage a serene state of mind, supporting alignment of the individual with the universal Self.

In the traditional Indian medicine system of Ayurveda, Sandalwood is valued for it's ability to cool the fire of pitta. It is indicated for inflammatory conditions, such as inflamed skin, or intestinal and genitor-urinary conditions that require cooling. Modern aromatherapy considers the oil an effective skin care agent for dry skin, general irritation and acne; it can help in cases of bronchitis, catarrh, dry persistent coughs, laryngitis and sore throat; it may relieve diarrhea and nausea, and can be supportive in cases of cystitis.

Beyond the physical body, Sandalwood essential oil is a great tonic for the hyper-active mind. In practical terms, the oil is considered an anti-depressant through it's ability to relieve hot, agitated emotional states, and to assist in release from over-thinking and worry. More esoterically, the aroma is considered 'divinely sweet' and softly balsamic, characteristics which evoke the grounding of the Earth element. It is said to release one from the 'tyranny of the intellect' which can cloud one's true nature, bringing about a more serene state unifying body, mind and spirit. From this quiet, unified state comes forth the true creative mind, finding infinite possibility in the here and now. It is in this peaceful, unified state where meditation can affect profound transformation.

Recommended essential oil blends for calming the mind are as follows - these can be used for general massage, reflexology, or applied to pulse points and temples: For 'obsessive' thinking, try four (4) drops of Sandalwood and two (2) drops of Vetiver in one tablespoon of carrier; for a detached analytical state try three (3) drops Geranium, two (2) drops Sandalwood and one (1) drop Patchouli in one tablespoon of carrier. These blends can also be created for use in a diffuser by omitting the carrier oil. For a great perfume also with soothing qualities, combine three parts Sandalwood and two parts Vanilla oil - the blend produces a wonderful tropical island aroma.

Finally, Sandalwood is one of the few essential oils which improves with age. Due to increasing demand, the oil's price is climbing significantly every year - it can be worthwhile to purchase a little more than you think you'll need immediately, as storing it for some time will only result in a richer oil in the future. Of course, samples are also a great place to start, as you can first find a Sandalwood that truly suits you.

About The Author
Misty Rae Cech ND, is a naturopath and yoga teacher practicing in Boulder, Colorado, and owner of http://AnandaApothecary.com. She regularly employs essential oils and flower essences in her practice. http://www.ananda-aromatherapy.com.

Essential Skin Care for Men Products Made With a Man in Mind

5:48 PM

The basic structure of a man's skin is the same as a woman's, however it has unique characteristics. It is oilier, tougher and richer in collagen and elastin, making it firmer and more resilient. The reason is that the sebaceous glands that produce sebum (oil) are more active. This provides for natural moisture and an increased tendency to sweat.

If these glands become overactive and the oil mixes with dead cells, the pores become clogged. The accumulation can result in pockets of infection ? acne, sores, boils, and pimples.

If there is a problem with back acne (?bacne?) one solution is to shower before working out. If one sweats clean then the salty residue will contain less oil and fewer dead cells and the pores will become less clogged. Gland secretions are the weapon needed to fight infections and toxic agents.

There are good treatments for acne and other skin problems to be found on the Internet and with some good research, there are interactive sites where questions will be answered.

Wrinkles happen when collagen, a constituent forming 75% of the skin, becomes hard. Because it cannot hold water to plump it up, it collapses on itself and binds with other collagen fibres. This forms a mesh below the surface which shows up as wrinkles.

Fine lines, crowsfeet and wrinkles can be addressed by products on the market containing peptide-based formulas. We can't stop aging however we can to a degree lessen age-lines.

When summer arrives it?s time to throw off the pale-skinned complexion from the winter months and fully embrace the sun. This can be dangerous. Long UVA rays are the primary cause of premature aging and aggressive skin cancers while short UVB rays cause burns. Get used to the idea of applying good sunscreens with the SPF no lower than 15.

Men are more prone to dehydration because of daily or regular shaving during which the natural oils get stripped away. What this now means is the face gets dirtier. So it is very important that the face be cleaned every day. A simple daily routine of cleansing and moisturising will keep the skin looking and feeling healthy. This is the body?s first line of defence against sickness, germs and disease.

Moisturizers come under two categories, occlusives and humectants. Occlusives contain oil or silicone, which are deposited on the outer layer of skin to keep the moisture from evaporating. The humectants on the other hand are typically oil-free and are absorbed into the skin which helps with water retention. Either of these will help to maintain a well-hydrated healthy skin.

There now are some excellent sites catering to men only. There are tips, testimonials and good information available.

Because of the difference in skin makeup, using just any product on the market, especially on the face, may be an unhelpful practice. Look at name brand sites where many now have a line devoted to men's needs.

I am a work in progress. At the moment I have two sites dealing with beauty and skin care. We discuss men and women's skin care; formulations and ingredients; skin types and more. I attempt to answer questions that my guests may have - availability of a product, tips and treatments; care of acne and other skin problems; anti aging and sun damage to name a few. My two sites are http://www.skin-care-n-cosmetics.com and http://www.perfume-n-cologne-shop.com

Herbs an Illuminating History from a South African Perspective

2:34 PM

The practise of herb-gardening can be traced as far back as 4000 years ago in Egypt. Herb growing was often associated with temples, which required herbs for daily worship and ritual. Queen Hatshepsut (d. 1482BC imported frankincense (Boswellia sacra) and myrrh ( Commiphora myrrha) from Arabia, and cornflowers ( Centaurea cyanus), poppies (Papaver spp), mandrakes (Mandragora spp), figs (Ficus spp), and lotuses (Nymphaea lotus) appear in many wall paintings. From as early as 305AD herb-gardening was second only to prayer in the monastic regime. Monasteries were largely self-sufficient in produce, placing special emphasis on herbs to heal the sick. Herbs were also used to flavor a vegetarian diet as well as the brewing and distillation of ale, wine and liqueurs such as Benedictine, and the cosmetic Carmelite water which was based on Melissa officinalis. In the 16th century, herb gardens were planted by the universities for the purpose of teaching botany and medicine, subjects that were inextricably linked until separated by advances in science during the 18th century. Physic gardens as they were commonly known were to be found at many universities throughout Europe. Herbs were planted in alphabetical order and as new species were brought back by colonial explorers and botanical knowledge expanded, physic gardens housed a far greater range of plants and became the botanic gardens we know today.

Even though herbs have their roots in centuries gone by they are not a thing of the past. Thanks to the hippies of the 1960's and 1970's herbs have made a serious come back in the last decade. Approximately 80 percent of the worlds population rely on traditional plant based medicine, and 25 percent of prescription drugs contain plant extract. The USA's interest in medicinal herbs has increased by 100 percent since 1995 and similar increases have been seen in other countries across the globe.

A resurgence of interest has meant that consumers are finding herbs in the food industry, dietary supplements, teas, skin and hair-care products and aromatics. Culinary herbs have exploded into every kitchen thanks to the likes of Jamie Oliver and other TV cookery chefs.

The lives of people and herbs are so closely linked that we often forget the power they posses. The Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelus (c.1493-1541) wrote that All substances are poisons; there is none which is not poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. Plants like Opium Poppy (Papver somniferum) and Coca (Erythroxylum coca) have been the cause of many wars throughout history. Life saving plants like Quinine (Cinchona Species) have prevented and treated malaria since the era of colonial expansion. Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) provided the basis for acetylsalicylic acid produced in 1899, and was named aspirin after (Spirea ulmaria) which was the old name for (Filipendula ulmaria). Aspirin is the world's most widely used drug.

People all over the world have picked, uprooted and used herbs since ancient times. Of the 250,000 species of flowering plants in the world, more than 20,000 are recorded as herbs, and in these numbers lies our greatest hope of finding new drugs to combat disease. (ASmit)

The Shocking Secrets Behind Superfood

2:40 PM

Superfood is the term for the best nourishment you can find in order to have your body function properly. Superfood contains essential nutrients your body needs most. That's why superfood is 'hot' right now. Certainly for everyone on a diet or looking to improve their lifestyle and eat healthier..

Here's the reason for the healing power of superfood.

As you probably know, the daily intake of food is the fuel for your body to function properly. Your metabolic system is the engine that uses this fuel to supply to your body the necessary energy to perform tasks (catabolism) and the building blocks to replace all sort of cells (anabolism).

The rebuilding of your body happens every day. Millions of cells have a very short life span and are being replaced frequently. About 7% of your body weight is blood fluid and blood cells, most of which are replaced in about 115-120 days. Your skeleton every three months, your skin every five weeks, your FAT-tissue every three weeks and the cells that line the inside of your stomach every couple of days!

Each year 95% of your body is replaced and here's the most important part of this wonderful system:

Your body uses everything that goes in through your mouth as building material.

That means everything, including bad fats, sugars and all the other wrong nutrients that you take in will be used to replenish all old cells.

Your body doesn't really care what the input is, it is programmed to take everything it gets and make the best out of it.

Therefore consuming wrong food over a period of time can lead to diseases. After all, your old cells are replaced with new ones using wrong, bad or insufficient elements from your food.

But here's the big secret. The opposite is also true:

Cells built using wrong nourishment,
can be replaced by good ones ...
simply by eating healthy superfood!

Did you get that? If not, read that sentence again. It's amazing, isn't it? That's exactly why superfood is so important, even if you haven't taken them before.

Consuming superfood will benefit you and your body. Because doing so will drastically improve the building process of your cells.

Now, here's something that may shock you.

You may be aware of this and take the risk. Why? Because your lust for food is stronger than your desire to live longer and healthier. That's ok. It's YOUR body and you are responsible for it, right?


Scientists find more and more evidence of so called 'Genomic Imprinting', the passing on of genes that are switched on or off depending on environmental circumstances. That's a shocking discovery, because it's probably not only YOUR body that you are affecting, but also that of your children and grandchildren.

Aren't all of your alarm bells ringing yet? Isn't it time to at least consider superfood?

Read more about Superfood at http://www.obesital.com/superfood.php

Case Stevens publishes health related information in his Obesital Optimum Health Newsletter. You can subscribe here: http://www.obesital.com/obesital-subscription.php

Essential Oil Uses A Users Guide

1:09 AM

The uses of essential oils were known to ancient Egyptians long before research began on their medicinal and aromatic qualities in the early nineteenth century. The sweet fragrance emitted by essential oils has had people going crazy on it for ages.

An essential oil is the extract of plant derived from flowers, stem, leaves, bark and other parts of a plant. The process is often complex and requires distillation through steam or water of the plant. The result is the pure essence of the plant, often in a highly concentrated form. In the following article we will list some of the common uses that essential oils are put to.

Diffusion means breathing the fragrance of essential oil. The oil is evaporated using accessories such as electric diffusers, lamp rings, aromalamps, scentballs etc. These accessories are available in various assortments in the market. They operate by continuously shooting out microscopic particles of essential oils into the air. To facilitate easy assimilation through the sense of smell, the oil is broken into fine invisible mist. Diffusion helps create a relaxing atmosphere and loosens tight muscles.

The therapeutic effects of essential oil when combined with the magical powers of touch, revives the anatomy and furthers overall well-being. When using essential oil for the purpose of massage, it is advisable that it be diluted with carrier oil. It is too concentrated to be used neat. Different proportions need to be devised for people of different ages, skin types, etc. For children, the advisable content of essential oils per ounce is 6 drops. When shopping for massage oil, a person will come across a large collection of readymade aromatherapy massage oils & lotions. These may be purchased only from reputable vendors after checking the contents well.

An essential oil bath can be quite relaxing. Moreover, this will help in combining the benefits of hydrotherapy as well. Just add a few drops of your desired essential oil to your bathtub or spa, and get that rich and nourishing feeling. Alternatively, the essential oil mixed with good carrier oil be applied to ones skin after the morning shower for that all day long refreshing sensation. This keeps skin soft, smooth and youthful.

Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is another prevalent method of using essential oils. 5 to 8 drops of essential oil of one variety or more is mixed in a pot of hot water, and the user sits with his face close to the pot, eyes closed and about 10-12 inches above the pot. As vapour rises, it gets absorbed by the minute pores on ones face and through the nostrils. A humidifier too can be used by adding a few drops of essential oil in it.

Household uses
You may not know but the essential oils can be put to several household uses as well. Like when one is doing laundry, a few drops of essential oil will give the clothes a lovable smell all day long. Lemon or tea tree oils are best used for ones garbage cans from giving that stinking smell. Lavender has long been associated with romantic evenings. So, use it in your bathroom along with essential oils of chamomile and marjoram.

The uses of essential oils are many. One can experiment on his own to find new uses of the oils and thereby contribute to the already spilling research works on the subject.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils, essential massage oils, essential oils wholesale visit http://www.ndaroma.com.

Healing With Crystals Part IV

2:11 AM

So far the results have been remarkable. I believe this is in part because clients are encouraged to engage more actively through visualizing a colored light (as indicated through muscle testing).

Research shows that clients who are involved in their own recovery and healing are much more likely to have a successful outcome to treatment.

Clients have reported a variety of sensations and phenomena when the Lemurian Seed Crystals are incorporated into their treatment, along with visualizing certain colored lights as indicated. Such phenomena include strong rushes of heat and cold, prickly sensations, streaming of energy up and down their body or a body part, body shaking and tremors, latent memories surfacing, feeling deeply peaceful, strong sense of internal resistance, feeling weightless, releasing trapped emotions like anger, worry, fear, grief and sadness.

I have been experimenting with charging PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy products with the energy of the Lemurian Seed Crystals. The affinity between the two is remarkable!

The oils are easily imprinted with the crystalline structure of the Lemurian Seed Crystals. This imprinting of the crystal?s energetic template seems to have a stabilizing effect on the essential oils.

For instance I?ve noticed oils that have been charged by the Lemurian Seed Crystals are less volatile when exposed to the air. Meaning their scent doesn?t quickly evaporate, but rather lingers.

I believe this indicates that the intention of the Crystal to entrain whatever it comes into contact with is acting upon the essential oils to stablize them, making them less volatile.

Crystals are known to have the highest and most refined organizational structure in the mineral kingdom. Their structural organization is exceptionally stable. Through their contact they are able to entrain the essential oils to carry this stable quality.

I will continue my empirical research to see if I notice a consistent increase in the ?effects? of essential oils that have been charged with the Lemurian Seed Crystals, as well as evidence for their having less volatility.

In Part V of Healing with Lemurian Seed Crystals I will talk more about the legend of the Lemurian Seed Crystals, as well as discuss more of my empirical findings when using them in practice.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG's DVD & book, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. To learn more & purchase PurePlant Essentials: PurePlant Essentials Menu Please refer to KG's Essentials Safety Guide before using any aromatic oils! KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. To learn more visit: Subscribe To Win Contact: KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

Natural Allergy Relief

2:42 AM

Blue Tansy's high azulene content, which gives it a vivid, deep blue color (it can stain so take care), is the chemical thought responsible for Blue Tansy's strong action to soothe and relax the nervous system, as well as naturally ease the discomfort associated with allergies and pain.

Of the commonly used blue variety of essential oils, which also includes Yarrow and Chamomile, Blue Tansy has by far the most delightful and friendly scent. Its warm herbaceous aroma has a notable complexity with a hint of sweetness that to me is reminiscent of apples and spice. Even first time aroma users invariably love Blue Tansy's warm, inviting scent!

Blue Tansy's natural anti-inflammatory action makes it an exceptionally good relaxant. People often use Blue Tansy for symptomatic relief of muscular aches and pains, sprains and strains, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica. It can be relied upon to soothe nervous tension and relieve stress.

Due to Blue Tansy's bronchio-dilating effects it is by far the best treatment I have found for long lasting relief for those suffering from allergies. Whether your allergic reactions are triggered by environmental allergens or food intolerances Blue Tansy has great power for producing beneficial results. Additionally Blue Tansy's analgesic properties help to reduce any swelling or itching associated with allergies.

Read what one long time sufferer of allergies has to say about using Blue Tansy: I've suffered from allergies for many years and use to get weekly shots and take daily medication to control my symptoms. Blue Tansy helped relieve my allergic reaction to environmental, as well as food allergens. I've stopped taking my allergy medication and no longer require shots and seldom do I even need to use my Blue Tansy oil at this point! Brenda Devine, Cave Junction, Oregon, USA

Asthma sufferers may also experience beneficial results when using Blue Tansy due to its bronchio-dilating action; try blending it with Lemongrass essential oil to enhance this effect.

Blue Tansy is also known to relieve burns and inflamed or sun damaged skin. My friend Sylla, owner of Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy, used Blue Tansy for relieving the radiation burns sustained when under going her treatment for breast cancer.

If you'd like to try a natural, safe and effective treatment for your allergies or for pain relief consider ethically wild crafted Blue Tansy essential oil.

Please note: There are many cheap chemical copies of essential oils available, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results always use ethically wild crafted or pure, organic essential oils that are pesticide free!

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's DVD & book, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. To learn more visit: Order Ethically Wild Crafted Blue Tansy Please refer to KG's Essentials Safety Guide before using any aromatic oils! KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. To learn more visit: Subscribe To Win Contact:KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

Essential Oils How To Use Aromatherapy Methods

12:51 AM

Pure essential oils have a wide range of therapeutic uses and benefits. The method applied can effect the results.

First, please remember that essential oils should never be applied neat (undiluted) to your skin. There are absolutely NO exceptions to this! This includes the soles of your feet or palms of your hands. When using oils neat for inhalation purposes please exercise care and dispense your oils on a tissue or cotton ball for direct inhalation.

The choice of delivery method often depends on your intended goal. Please view diagrams (clickable links) below, illustrating the pathways of distribution within the human body and the organs and systems being affected by essential oils.

There are 3 Primary Methods for enjoying the benefits of aromitic oils:

1) DIRECT INHALATION is the method used most in Germany and the one I primarily use for best therapeutic results.

PLEASE NOTE: Stimulating circulation of your blood, lymph and nerve flow through deep breathing or movement and exercise, a bodywork/massage session, or a warm shower or hot soak in conjunction with inhalation of aromatic oils enhances their delivery into your system!

DIRECTIONS: Put 1-3 drops of essential oil onto a tissue, cotton ball or organic Celtic smelling salts. Slowly introduce the oils into your system by breathing them in for 30-60 seconds.

Aromatic oils stimulate your olfactory nerves which send a signal to your brain's neuro-receptors, triggering numerous electro-chemical responses.

VIEW Chart on Electro-chemical effects of Aromatherapy (clickable link appears below).

Through cellular respiration, or breathing, aromatic vapors enter your lungs for immediate release into your blood stream for distribution to every cell in your body. Research shows that essential oils will remain in your bloodstream for up to 4-6 hours. The method of Direct Inhalation is helpful for inducing sleep!

VIEW Chart on Aromatherapy Delivery Pathways (clickable link appears below).

2) MICRO DIFFUSION uses a nebulizing diffuser that will break oil into millions of micro particles. It disperses oils without the heating that can render them therapeutically less beneficial.

3) AIR DIFFUSION has a basket in which a pad with drops of oils are applied. A small fan blows cool air through the oils lifting them into the air for dispersal. This is a cost effective way for diffusing the oils and has the benefits of micro-diffusion and is especially good for scenting a room.

Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG has utilized essential oils in her aromatic energy medicine practice for more than 30 years. During that time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, illness and injury. Through her unique AromaTest? system KG formulates essential oil blends that heal.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap chemical copies of essential oils available, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results always use ethically wild crafted or pure, organic essential oils that are pesticide free!

KG Stiles is a certified Aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's book, Aromatic Medicine - Pathway to Health, and her DVD about her AromaTest System of Healing, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. Click to learn about Organic Celtic Smelling and KG's other PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapy Products : PurePlant Essentials Aromatherapyp Products Menu View KG's Chart Electro Chemical Effects Of Aromatherapy and her Chart Aromatherapy Delivery Pathways Contact KG Stiles Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

What Do Essential Fatty Acids Do in Your Body?

9:36 PM

Fatty acids are used in every cell of your body. They have several characteristics that give them the power to give your body health and a feeling of well being:

* They attract oxygen

* They absorb sunlight

* They have a negative charge

* They readily reduce lactic acid

They Attract Oxygen

Fatty acids are needed to transport oxygen from the lungs to the red blood cells that are circulating in the blood. They do this by carrying oxygen through the capillary walls, red blood cell walls and directly to the hemoglobin.

The red blood cells then circulate to deliver the oxygen to the cells. The fatty acids again move the oxygen from the red blood cells through capillary walls, through the lymph liquid, through the cell walls and directly into the cells to where the oxygen is needed.

Do you want more oxygen to reach your cells? Make sure you are supplementing with Fish oil.

Fatty acids reside in the cell membranes. Here they hold oxygen so that pathogens cannot get into the cell. Pathogens cannot not live in an oxygen environment, so the oxygen in the cell wall acts as a death barrier for them.

Fatty acids also reside inside the cell to help form the various structures of the cell.

They Absorb Sunlight

Fatty acids readily absorb sunlight or light energy. This ability allows these acids to easily attract and absorb oxygen. It makes them chemically active and for this reason they become rancid when exposed to sunlight and oxygen. This is the reason why you need to keep them in the refrigerator after you open their container.

They Have a Negative Charge

With the negative charge that they have, fatty acids are active in many chemical reactions in the body. This negative charge keeps the fatty acid molecules dispersed and prevents them from clumping together. This ability to keep dispersed, give the fatty acids the power to move toxic material throughout the body and eventually to the channels of elimination ? skin, lungs, colon, kidney, lymphatic system.

This flow of electrons through the body helps to recharge the body and to especially promote brain and nerve functions.

In a more complex reaction, Udo Erasmus, in his book called, Fats and Oils ? The complete Guide to Fats and Oils in Health and Nutrition, describes how fatty acid are involved in the movement of energy,

?The negative charge also makes the essential fatty acids weakly basic (as opposed to acidic), and able to form weak hydrogen bonds with weak acid groups such as the sulphydryl groups found in proteins. Sulphydryl groups are especially important in oscillating reactions, which take place between them and the double bonds of the essential fatty acids. They allow the one-way movement of electrons and energy in molecules to take place. According to one to the world?s best chemists, the Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, such movement is required to make possible the chemical reactions on which life depends.?

They readily reduce lactic acid

Both omega-3 and omega-6 help change lactic acid, which occurs during strenuous work or exercise, into water and carbon dioxide. This is important because without these omegas, the body would have to depend solely on minerals to neutralize these acid. If too much acid is created in your body, minerals can be depleted and your body can become acidic, which would invite all kinds of parasites and pathogens to setup household in your body.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He also writes a newsletter called ?natural-remedies-thatwork.com.? For more information on the essential fatty acids go to: http://www.fatty-acid-remedies.for--you.info

Essential Oils Kit Part VI

2:19 AM

Whether you use aromatherapy as a stand alone or as a complementary first aid treatment there are several aromatic oils I'd like to recommend you have in your aromatic first aid kit.

My recommendations include important details for you to consider when purchasing an oil, such as its Latin Name, Country of Origin, Method of Extraction and Part of the Plant Used. I also list the best oils to consider when creating a synergistic blend.

LAVENDER ( Lavendula augustifolia ) - Organic, Steam Distillation Flowers, Italian High Altitude.

Highly scented, sweet, floral, and slightly woody Lavender is a universal healing oil and has a beneficial and healing effect on the body, mind spirit and emotions.

Keywords: UNIVERSAL HEALER Lavender is the most commonly used essential oil and the absolute classic oil for treating burns!

During the early 20th century, French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse became interested in the use of essential oils for their medicinal properties. While working Gattefosse accidentally burned his arm very badly! On reflex he plunged his burned arm into large a vat of lavender oil. His burn healed rapidly and there was absolutely NO scarring of tissue!

Gattefosse is credited with coining the term aromatherapy in his 1928 article supporting the use of essential oils in their whole, pure and unadulterated state.

Lavender has broad application and is especially useful for skin care healing, headaches, bug bites, and sore muscles.

Lavender is the most well known and used essential oil and every home and office should keep a bottle of it handy!

Distilling at high altitude allows lower temperatures and lower pressure for distillation making it possible for the volatile phytochemicals to come through intact in the final product.

Lavender is excellent for skin care and to promote healing. Use it for burns, rashes, acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Apply it immediately to burns to prevent blistering, or scarring, as well as speed healing of wounds as it stimulates cellular regeneration.

Lavender is useful for relieving headaches, premenstrual tension, as well as promoting restful sleep.

It is excellent for balancing hyper emotional states such as shock, anger, impatience and irritability and helps dispel the negative mental states of fear & worry.

Try a synergistic blend of Lavender with any of the following aromatic oils: Clary Sage, Geranium, Neroli, Petitgrain, Sandalwood & Vetiver.

Please join me for Part VII in this series of articles to learn about the next essential oil I recommend you have in your aromatic first aid kit, PEPPERMINT ( Mentha piperita ).

Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary and alternative health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG has utilized essential oils in her energy medicine practice for more than 30 years. During that time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, illness and injury. Through her unique AromaTest? system KG formulates essential oil blends that heal.

Please note: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use organic, or ethically wild crafted oils whenever possible.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's DVD & book about her AromaTest system, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. Click for PurePlant Essentials Menu & Essential Oils Kits: Pure Organic & Wild Crafted Essential Oils & Kits Click to order Basic Essential Oils Kit. KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. To learn more visit: Subscribe To Win Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

The Benefits of Omega3 Fatty Acids Losing Weight with Fat!

1:35 AM

Essential Fats for Weight Loss

Over the past few decades, the cornerstone of a good, solid weight loss plan has included studying the ?Nutrition Information? on food packaging, thumbing nervously through a 600 page (yet implausibly titled ?pocket sized?) calorie counter and triumphantly and guiltlessly striding down supermarket aisles with a trolley brimming with exquisitely packaged, molecule sized, fat free food.

To most people, avoiding fat (or consuming as little as possible) is the sure-fire path to a slim and slender body. However, for the eager and the open-minded, this is all about to change as study after study begins to tell us how fat is about to become your new best friend?

How Can Fat be Good?

It has long been common knowledge amongst athletes and nutritionists that Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats are extremely beneficial ? yet these have been largely avoided by most of us because they are basically fat - the death knoll of the diet.

Of the many fats that exist, Omega 3 and Omega 6 have been scientifically termed Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). The reason for this is simple ? they are essential. EFAs are essential because they are in constant demand from every living cell in the body ? however, the body cannot produce them on its own. It relies on us to provide them through the food we consume each and every day!

Creating a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in our diet is absolutely essential, not only if weight loss is on the agenda but also to help our body function properly and ward off a whole host of ailments such as high blood pressure, a low immune system, dry skin, hair and nails, poor digestion and low energy. Omega 6 and Omega 6 supplementation was also voted by women as being among the top three most effective PMS treatments! The list could go on.

EFAs and Weight Loss

So, we shouldn?t avoid all fats like the plague if we want to be slim and healthy, but I am sure you are wondering why EFAs are important our weight loss plan?

Among other reasons, EFAs help to:

  • Make us slim and keep us slim by behaving like the hormones that increase the body?s capacity to burn fat and decrease the fat that the body produces for protection (the fat that hangs around our organs and sits around our waists).
  • Suppress the body?s requirement to over-inflate our appetite.
  • Minimise the blood sugar swings, fat production, food cravings and loss of energy that carbs and sugars do.
  • Decrease inflammation and water retention in tissues, and instigate the removal of water unnecessarily held in other parts of the body. This can have a dramatic effect on our ability to lose weight!
  • Boost our energy levels throughout the day ? which, amongst other things ? increases your chances of going out for that run, making it to the gym or doing that extra lap of the pool!
  • Increase the stimulation of the brain to create happier moods and lift depression ? making us less likely to reach for the crisps and chocolates!

Good Fats and Bad Fats ? What to Eat and What to Avoid!

Of course, EFAs include only good fats ? the bad fats should still be avoided at all costs! These include the fats obtained from meat and dairy, saturated fats, trans-fatty acids and any cooked, fried or heated fats (EFAs lose their goodness and become harmful when heated).

Good fats can be found in foods like avocado, almonds, green leafy vegetables, high fat (coldwater) fish such as tuna, sardines, halibut and salmon and seeds such as sesame, sunflower and flax-seeds. However, the easiest and most effective way to ensure that your body is getting the right amount, and the right blend of good fats is to take an oil blend supplement.

In our experience at Energise for Life, using just one type of oil (cod-liver, flax, hemp etc) has not been anywhere near as effective as using an oil blend (such as Udo?s Choice).

As you can buy such supplements in both vegetarian capsules and as a liquid, there is no excuse not to give your body this fuel it needs to help you slim down and tone up!

Energise for Life aims to provide you with every resource you need to achieve optimal health and abundant energy. We aim to provide a one-stop-shop for all of your health and vitality needs within a 100% customer focused environment.

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5 Herbs You Need Highly Concentrated

10:37 PM

Herbs that Do Better as Pills

Oil of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)

The principal active ingredient in eucalyptus oil is eucalyptol which has strong germicidal and disinfectant properties. Applying oil of Eucalyptus to cuts and scrapes will kill germs and speed up the healing process. It also functions as a diuretic, lowers blood sugar and helps to relieve coughs and fevers. Often used in vaporizers and the main ingredient in chest rubs, Eucalyptus oil breaks up congestion and helps relieve major upper respiratory symptoms. Eucalyptus oil is an effective analgesic and is often used in preparations designed to relieve muscle, nerve and joint pains. Psychologically, it helps to combat exhaustion and dispels mental sluggishness. Eucalyptus oil should always be diluted before applying it topically or ingesting it; always follow package instructions.

To make a steam inhalation solution, add a drop or two of eucalyptus oil to a pan of water or vaporizer.

Oil of Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Studies show that Oil of Oregano works to fight infections, thanks to two powerful compounds in the plant, thymol and carvacrol. Oil of Oregano is used primarily for upper respiratory infections. It is best for short-term, low grade problems like coughs and colds, but if you don't feel better after several days or develop a high fever, you should consult a doctor. Oil of oregano also helps to ward off infections and the flu bug. Oil of Oregano is wonderful for killing yeast infections. Depending on your weight and severity of your symptoms, doses range from 5 drops twice a day to 10 drops 4 times a day in 4 ounces of water. Oil of Oregano is a strong herb; it will burn your mouth and lips, if not diluted. Thankfully, the burning sensation wears off quickly.

Peppermint Oil (Mentha x piperita)

You would be hard pressed to find a better stomach calming herb than peppermint. Peppermint Oil is very effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome. For run-of-the mill upset stomach, plain old peppermint tea can help. To treat IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) take 0.2 milliliters of peppermint essential oil one to three times a day with water and before meals. Peppermint will cause heartburn and worsen acid reflux in some people. If you experience either of these problems, stop taking the herb.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage has long been thought of as a brain booster. Sage has recently been used to treat memory loss in Alzheimer's patients. Sage is also a classic remedy for sore throats because of its antiseptic action. The suggested dosage for Alzheimer's patients is 30 drops of the liquid extract two to three times a day. For sore throats, try some sage tea or gargle with a very much diluted solution of the liquid (10 to 20 drops) dissolved in a cup of warm water.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

This staple of Indian cooking is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Turmeric can help ease inflammatory conditions, such as tendinitis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike other spice-rack staples, you can get a therapeutic dose of turmeric from food; all you need is a pinch per serving. However, many people do not like the pungent, bitter taste. In supplement form, the suggested dose is 4 grams of turmeric daily. Because powered turmeric is a powerful blood-cleansing herb, use it sparingly.

As with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking.

Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength & hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life.

The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

May your life be Happy, Joyous, & Free.

Beverly Terhune

Essential Oils Found To Relieve Stress

6:14 PM

A recent study on the use of essential oils entitled:

The effect of aroma inhalation method on stress responses of nursing students.

done by Park MK, Lee ES in the Department of Nursing, Nambu University, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju city, Korea reported in April 2004 has provided more valuable evidence into the efficacy of essential oils in helping to manage stress.

The study was a quasi-experimental research using a non-equivalent pre-post design? with 77 nursing students who were divided into two groups, experimental and comparison control group.

The level of anxiety in each participant was measured before and after the test by assessing body symptoms and perceived level of stress.

Members of the experimental group were allowed to inhale lavender, peppermint, rosemary and Clary-Sage Essential Oils from an aroma lamp (form of essential oil diffuser) while the control group received no intervention of any kind.

They reported the following results:

As a result of administering aroma inhalation to nursing students, their physical symptoms decreased, their anxiety scores were low, and their perceived stress scores were low, showing that aroma inhalation could be a very effective stress management method.

Their conclusions were:

Nursing educators should play an important role in contributing to college students' physical and psychological health by helping enhance their recognition of stress management and effectively relieving their stress using essential oils.

As I have personally used many Therapeutic Grade essential oils for the last 10 years, I can attest to the wonderful improvements that I have seen in my ability to manage and stress levels with them. In particular I have found peppermint and lavender essential oils extremely refreshing, invigorating and calming at the same time.

What is important to recognize however is that not all essential oils are cut from the same cloth.

A category called Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils attempts to maintain the integrity of the original composition of the plant oil by avoiding degradation of its many constituents, through the avoidance of the addition of synthetic oils (like those produced in the laboratory) or other agents that may in fact may be toxic.

I am glad to see that the many personal benefits that I have had over the last 10 years with essential oils are now becoming supported scientifically.


Park MK, Lee ES., Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 2004 Apr;34(2):344-51.

Nick Arrizza M.D. is trained in medicine, psychiatry, is an international healer and life coach, an author, researcher and internationally sought after speaker. He is also the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process(TM) MRP.

Young Living Essential Oils Web Site: http://www.youngliving.org/arrizza

MRP Web Site: http://www.telecoaching4u.com