Essential Skin Care for Men Products Made With a Man in Mind

5:48 PM

The basic structure of a man's skin is the same as a woman's, however it has unique characteristics. It is oilier, tougher and richer in collagen and elastin, making it firmer and more resilient. The reason is that the sebaceous glands that produce sebum (oil) are more active. This provides for natural moisture and an increased tendency to sweat.

If these glands become overactive and the oil mixes with dead cells, the pores become clogged. The accumulation can result in pockets of infection ? acne, sores, boils, and pimples.

If there is a problem with back acne (?bacne?) one solution is to shower before working out. If one sweats clean then the salty residue will contain less oil and fewer dead cells and the pores will become less clogged. Gland secretions are the weapon needed to fight infections and toxic agents.

There are good treatments for acne and other skin problems to be found on the Internet and with some good research, there are interactive sites where questions will be answered.

Wrinkles happen when collagen, a constituent forming 75% of the skin, becomes hard. Because it cannot hold water to plump it up, it collapses on itself and binds with other collagen fibres. This forms a mesh below the surface which shows up as wrinkles.

Fine lines, crowsfeet and wrinkles can be addressed by products on the market containing peptide-based formulas. We can't stop aging however we can to a degree lessen age-lines.

When summer arrives it?s time to throw off the pale-skinned complexion from the winter months and fully embrace the sun. This can be dangerous. Long UVA rays are the primary cause of premature aging and aggressive skin cancers while short UVB rays cause burns. Get used to the idea of applying good sunscreens with the SPF no lower than 15.

Men are more prone to dehydration because of daily or regular shaving during which the natural oils get stripped away. What this now means is the face gets dirtier. So it is very important that the face be cleaned every day. A simple daily routine of cleansing and moisturising will keep the skin looking and feeling healthy. This is the body?s first line of defence against sickness, germs and disease.

Moisturizers come under two categories, occlusives and humectants. Occlusives contain oil or silicone, which are deposited on the outer layer of skin to keep the moisture from evaporating. The humectants on the other hand are typically oil-free and are absorbed into the skin which helps with water retention. Either of these will help to maintain a well-hydrated healthy skin.

There now are some excellent sites catering to men only. There are tips, testimonials and good information available.

Because of the difference in skin makeup, using just any product on the market, especially on the face, may be an unhelpful practice. Look at name brand sites where many now have a line devoted to men's needs.

I am a work in progress. At the moment I have two sites dealing with beauty and skin care. We discuss men and women's skin care; formulations and ingredients; skin types and more. I attempt to answer questions that my guests may have - availability of a product, tips and treatments; care of acne and other skin problems; anti aging and sun damage to name a few. My two sites are and